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Hello, I'm Nate!

My name is Nate Serrentino and I am the Owner of 3M's Coaching Services. I created this company to give people the ability to control their lives down to the very last atom as the universe is mental. Through the Seven Hermetic Principles, I believe I can do anything I set my mind to, so long as my body allows me, with the energy I have available at the given moment. 

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My Story

I was born in Novokuzneskt, Russia July 27th, 2002, and shortly after was put up in an orphanage as my birth mother couldn't afford to keep me. My adoptive parents came and picked me out of all the children there at 2 and a half years old and brought me back to a small town called Pelham in New Hampshire, USA. I had an incredible childhood full of outdoor fun, spending a lot of my time in the summer in Cape Cod, Massachusetts at my parents' home in Wellfleet. This became a very special place in my life to this day. By 8th grade, I would spend the summer on Cape meeting tons of locals, summer families like ours, and tourists alike. I got my first job there at Hatch's Fish Market which was what got me into wanting to own my own business one day as I became closer with the owner and he gave me ins and outs of what it takes to run a small business. I worked here for 6 years and left abruptly in the summer of 2022 and started lobstering for the remainder of that summer into early fall.

This transfer of jobs would be what lead me to very poor mental health and by mid-fall I was smoking lots of weed and cigarettes and drinking wine almost daily, which would lead to my last and worst suicide attempt. I was living for the cigarettes and the cigarettes were killing me quickly at my intense rate of intake. After the most important phone call of my life, I came back to life. From here, I would start my second big recovery and my journey into the nutrition and fitness industry started that November with the beginning of Savior Fitness & Wellness, now 3M's Coaching Services. And the rest is history.

My Struggles with Mental Health & Addiction

I was a very aggressive child and had virtually no self-control and often found myself in the principles office for fighting and bullying. This would become a more serious problem as I grew up, got stronger, and really started to hurt people. On top of this, I was also bullied most of elementary and middle school which is what I suppose started my use of alcohol at such a young age. Moreover, watching my parents drink growing up, made me think I could do it too, even though they made it clear I was not allowed to. However if you haven't figured it out yet, I did the opposite of what everyone told me to do all my life and this is why I felt so free and was always trying to have fun.


I went to school in the Pelham Public Schools until 7th grade when I switched to Public Charter School called Academy for Science and Design. This was around the time I got into vaping as I bought my first vape in December of 8th grade at 13 years old. This would turn into a severe nicotine addiction as I moved to high-nicotine devices like JUUL come freshman year of high school. Playing varsity hockey, everyone was on the JUUL and I wanted to fit in - plus it felt great, tasted great, and was insanely convenient as it could be used literally anywhere with barely any visible smoke or odor.


The fall of sophomore year was the first time I smoked weed and I was immediately hooked on that too. Along with this, I think I started stealing alcohol from my parents, hard liquor or beer, whatever I could get my hands on without getting caught too badly (I was an expert at this). However since weed, "flower," was so hard to hide, I resorted to THC cartridges that were always bought off the street and could have a number of other chemicals I had no idea of in them, just as the flavorings of the vape juices have. These potent "dab pens" would have me high almost every day for 3-4 years straight, barely functioning but peaceful. Alongside being high all the time, I would get home from school most of the junior year and immediately shotgun a beer or two, or in many cases I would drink out of the bottle of hard stuff until I had the spins.


In hindsight, it couldn't have been more toxic and I'm so sorry for everything I put my parents through. Keep in mind from junior year on my parents knew I was vaping and smoking carts and begged me to stop, taking them whenever they would find them and I would just proceed to get new stuff the next time I could see "the plug."


I graduated high school at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in July 2020. I wouldn't have graduated high school had it not been for covid but on the other hand my mental health declined quickly with my intake of weed, nicotine in the form of vaping and tobacco, and alcohol. I continued most of these bad habits off and on for the next year until the next summer when I was pushing my limits to the max and everything was falling down. My physical health was at an all-time low that summer, my mental health was nonexistent, and I had no belief in anything other than getting high whenever I wasn't working. Well, my world would come crashing down on September 20th, 2021. 


On this day, I woke up at 4:44 am gasping for air and came to the realization that it was the end of my life. As I started to lose self-control, I heard a voice in my head say just quit the vape and you'll live and I started throwing up. After freaking out in tears and agony of pain, I fell asleep, with my parents telling me to go to bed. A few hours later, I woke up and smashed the disposable vape I bought that day before with an axe and I was free from the invisible chains from that day forward. Alongside, I quit drinking, cleaned up my diet and started eating organically, and quit smoking weed for a while until later that winter. Weed would continue to be another addiction I had to stop which didn't happen until Spring of 2023. Unfortunately, my tobacco use didn't end after trying to smoke myself to death in the Fall of 2022. As it took several more cold turkey attempts to quit and my last time smoking cigarettes was New Year's Eve of 2022. I started bottling my own spring water in the Spring of 2022 and have continued to do so to this day, on top of my organic animal-based diet. I have never felt so good in my life since being sober and I have made the promise to myself to never go back as I'm tired of facing death so many times and being chained up to the invisible wall that is addiction. Now, for the love of humanity, let me show you how to make yourself fearless, limitless, and unstoppable through my Mentality, Mindset, and Mindfulness Coaching Course!


I went to school in the Pelham Public Schools until 7th grade when I switched to a Public Charter School called Academy for Science and Design. I went through the rest of my schooling here until I graduated high school at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in July 2020. 


HighSchool Diploma
Academy for Science & Design

ASD was the number one ranked high school in New Hampshire for all my time there. The academic courseload is rigorous and requires a great deal of effort as to move onto future classes with prerequisites an 80% or more was needed.


Nashua Community College

Studied General Education classes for Biological Sciences Associates program. I took all the classes needed to transfer to UVM in the Spring of 2023.


Next Level Coaching Academy

Joined Next Level Coaching Academy and became a certified Fitness and Nutrition Coach. This combined with my years of experience in the gym and my research on animal-based diets from Dr. Paul Saladino have helped me grow tremendously.

Spring 2023

BS Neuroscience

minor in Psychology
University of Vermont

After a forced deferral in the Fall of 2022 for my mental health and other factors, I transferred to UVM in the Spring of 2023. Studying Neuroscience and Psychology, I am on my way to do my master's as a Professional Licensed counselor. In the future I will do my PhD in Neurochemistry.

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